Farm Eco™ grows delicious herbs and microgreens for the Phoenix, Arizona market through sustainable farming. Our enviromentally friendly agricultural practices do not negatively impact natural land. We utilize 95% less water than traditional agriculture and do not pollute the produce and enivronment with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. We can grow more in less space while preserving nature's resources and biodiversity. As a hyper-local grower, we save fossil fuels for shipping by growing down the street from our customers.


What is hydroponic farming?
October 10, 2012

Hydroponics is a term used to describe growing plants without soil, such as directly in water, air, or solid non-soil mediums.

Does it work? Yes. Plants require three things from the soil: 1) water, 2) nutrients, and 3) stability. If plants have access to water and nutrients (particularly the molecules of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) and a structure that can hold up the plant, plants will grow just as well if not better than in soil.

Why would people want to do this? Hydroponics enables growing plants in spaces that would not otherwise be supportive of growing plants. This may be on barren land that lacks nutrients or has overly acidic or basic soil. It may also be inside a greenhouse or a warehouse--or even on a boat or space ship. People have even used hydroponics to grow vegetables on the roofs and walls of buildings!

Are there other benefits to growing hydroponically? Yes. Hydroponics enables more sustainable agriculture. Read the full post >